I have the following class BallotPaper, which records a set of votes in a LinkedList:
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class BallotPaper {
private LinkedList<String> votes;
public BallotPaper() {
public void addVote(String candidateName) {
public LinkedList<String> getVotes() {
return votes;
I have a text file which contains a list of votes, which looks like the following:
John Jack James Fred
John Jack James Fred
Fred Jack John James
Fred Jack John James
Jack John James Fred
In my main class, I have an ArrayList of BallotPaper objects. Each line in the text file compromises of four names, which each need to be added to a single BallotPaper object, then stored in the ArrayList. Here is my code to read the text file:
private ArrayList<BallotPaper> votes = new ArrayList<>();
public void readTextFile(String fileLocation) throws FileNotFoundException {
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileLocation);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(fileIn);
while(scanner.hasNextLine()) {
votes.add(new BallotPaper());
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
String name = scanner.next().trim();
if(!name.equals("")) {
votes.get(votes.size() - 1).addVote(name);
So my goal is for the ArrayList to contain 5 elements, each of which are BallotPaper objects with 4 entries in their respective LinkedList. I am currently getting the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at BallotPaper.addVote(BallotPaper.java:12)
at Model.readTextFile(AVSModel.java:50)
You have not itialized your votes list. Change line
private LinkedList<String> votes;
private LinkedList<String> votes = new LinkedList<String>();