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Implementing Web Services with spring without using spring-remoting-2.0.8.jar as this jar is not released by spring community

We are trying to implement Web Services with spring and axis. As a reference we used THIS SITE.Here they have suggested to implement end point by extending ServletEndpointSupport as below

import org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.ServletEndpointSupport;

public class SpringWSEndPoint extends ServletEndpointSupport

But the class org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.ServletEndpointSupport is from the JAR spring-remoting-2.0.8.jar which is not released by spring frame work in latest release. we know that spring-remoting became a part of spring-context, so newer versions are released with spring-context.

My question is How can we implement the same using Spring-context jar ? What is equivalent class of ServletEndpointSupport in Spring-context jar?

Immediate help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance!


  • I'd suggest using Spring-WS - especially since ServletEndpointSupport was deprecated -

    You can explore spring-ws:

    Converting these to RESTful services isn't too complicated either.