I want to group my files before to upload them by extension(The extension can not be defined in the mime type attribute defined by the upload infos. So I used groupBy defined by angular-filter and instead to put an attribute('file.name' for example) to the filter Im using a function to get the extension. So I want my pre-loaded files appears like this:
This is my EXAMPLE
Also my code:
<li ng-repeat="f in files | groupBy: fileExtension" style="font:smaller">
$scope.fileExtension = function(file) {
return file.name.split('.').pop();
Any suggestion is appreciated!
I would transform your list of file names into a list of file groups inside of an ngController or service. Binding to this transformed collection becomes trivial in the view.
$scope.groups = groupByExt(filenames);
function groupByExt(filenames) {
var extensions = [];
var groups = [];
angular.forEach(filenames, function(item) {
var extension = item.substring(item.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
if (!extensions[extension]) {
var group = { name: extension, files: [] };
extensions[extension] = group;
group.files.push({ name: item });
else {
var group = extensions[extension];
group.files.push({ name: item});
return groups;
<li ng-repeat="group in groups">
{{ group.name }}
<li ng-repeat="file in group.files">
{{ file.name }}
You can also set up $watchers so that when the original filenames list changes, it updates the file groups:
$scope.$watchCollection('filenames', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if(newVal !== oldVal) {
$scope.groups = groupByExt(newVal);
I would avoid filters because filters should not change the references of the underlying items (infinite digest issue)