I want to full decouple frontend from backend of an existing site, The site currently uses jQuery and cookies (jinja2/python).
After reading many options, Angular and React js seem to be a way to go, but I would like to know/have some feedback about what could be the best for this task and also easy to maintain in the future years.
So far If I understand properly React is only a VIEW library, and I will need something extra for pulling/posting data, whereas Angular is a full framework.
I will be using json tokens and JSON for POST/GET data between the backend REST API, Angular seems to be the option for this, but for rendering and updating the Views React seems to do a nice job.
I was thinking on using polymer, but seems to be only compatible with chrome, and at least I would like to support Safari, Firefox, no worries about IE.
I would like to avoid using both or end building a heavy page, for now I plan to use purecss but still need to find what could be a best JS library/framework to use.
So before continue searching, googling, I would appreciate any idea, tip or comment.
Definitely things are changing very fast, after doing more research, chatting via IRC with people using lot of many frameworks and with more experience, I decided to go for react js.
At the end frontend is all about views, and I would like the easy, simple way to handle/maintain this.
For doing the POST/GET calls we will just use vanilla AJAX.