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Attributes of custom nodes not shown in JSON

I have already created a diagram and a custom node following this example.

The problem is, when I try to get the JSON from the diagram, the attributes I've added to the custom node are not shown, although they appear on the lateral panel.

Here's an example:

        <script src=""></script>
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
        .diagram-node-custom .diagram-node-content {
            background: url( no-repeat scroll center transparent;

            var Y = YUI().use('aui-diagram-builder',
            function(Y) { 
                Y.DiagramNodeCustom = Y.Component.create({
                    NAME: 'diagram-node',

                    ATTRS: {
                        type: {
                            value: 'custom'
                        customAttr: {
                            validator: Y.Lang.isString,
                            value: 'A Custom default'
                    EXTENDS: Y.DiagramNodeTask,

                    prototype: {
                        getPropertyModel: function () {
                            var instance = this;

                            var model = Y.DiagramNodeTask.superclass.getPropertyModel.apply(instance, arguments);

                                attributeName: 'customAttr',
                                name: 'Custom Attribute'
                            return model;

                Y.DiagramBuilder.types['custom'] = Y.DiagramNodeCustom;

                Y.diagramBuilder = new Y.DiagramBuilder(
                    boundingBox: '#myDiagramContainer',
                    fields: [
                        name: 'name1',
                        type: 'custom',
                        customAttr: 'VALUECUSTOM',
                        xy: [100, 100]
                    srcNode: '#myDiagramBuilder'

        <div id="myDiagramContainer">
            <div id="myDiagramBuilder"></div>
        <button onClick="console.log('JSON: '+JSON.stringify(Y.diagramBuilder.toJSON()));">GET JSON</button>

And this is the JSON I get when I do Y.diagramBuilder.toJSON():



  • The new attribute needs to be added to the SERIALIZABLE_ATTRS array. Something like that:


    I created a JSFiddle example: