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How to access cell values from a Google Sheet?

I have the greatest trouble finding information about what I need. I guess I'm not looking in the right places since this is quite basic. Anyway.

Somebody somewhere has created a Google Sheet anyone with the link can access. I want to retrieve the value of a given cell.

I'd like to be able to do the following in JS from a simple web page (or server side in PHP, but preferably JS):

var value = AGoogleApiIHopeExists

I'm afraid I'm a bit naive to think this is possible...

If not, where should I look for more info?


  • Try reading through the Google Sheets API. It is a REST API you can use to access & edit Google sheets. You do not need their client libraries (Java, .NET, etc.)

    If the sheet is private, you will need to use OAuth 2.0 to gain access through a user account.

    If the sheet is public, you will be able to access it without login. Note though that the sheet must still be published before you can access it.

    I did some digging to help you out. Try this endpoint:<sheetID>/default/public/full/R1C1?alt=json

    R1C1 refers to Row 1, Column 1. You can change this as needed. default refers to the worksheet (tab) ID. If you need a different worksheet than the default, there are other API endpoints you can use to fetch the appropriate worksheet ID.

    Here is a simple jsfiddle which allows you to enter a few variables and see the resulting value.