I'm working on creating a simple Java2D program. It is supposed to draw rectangles from another class but it does not work. I'd really appreciate it if one of you guys could take a few moments to look where I'm going wrong. This is my last assignment due tomorrow.
Here's the code which I have worked on so far:
public class Block extends JPanel {
public Graphics2D g;
protected int posX = 0;
protected int posY = 0;
protected int w = 100;
protected int h = 100;
public void draw() {
g.fillRect(posX, posY, w, h);
Here is the main class:
public class main {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Block[] pie = new Block[5];
Timer timer;
main() {
final JPanel screen = new JPanel() {
int x = 0;
int step = 10;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
pie[0].g = (Graphics2D) g;
JFrame f = new JFrame("Test Lab");
public static void main(String[] args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
new main();
Many thanks.
private Block[] pie = new Block[5];
You create an array of size 5, but you have not added any Block's to the Array,
pie[0].g = (Graphics2D) g;
So when you try to reference the object at index 0, you get a NPE.
So at the start of your constuctor you might add:
pie[0] = new Block();
Also, your draw method should be defined something like:
public void draw(Graphics g)
then in your painting code you would use:
That is you don't need to store a Graphics object in your Block class. Pass the Graphics object to the method.