I have made a new object called Game
public class Game {
private String gamenaam;
private String bungeenaam;
private int poort;
private int minplayers;
private int maxplayers;
private static GameState gamestate = GameState.Ingame;
public Game(String naam) {
this.gamenaam = naam;
public String getGameNaam() {
return this.gamenaam;
public String getBungeeNaam() {
return bungeenaam;
public int getPoort() {
return poort;
public int getMinPlayers() {
return minplayers;
public int getMaxPlayers() {
return maxplayers;
public GameState getCurrentState() {
//System.out.print(gamenaam + ":" + MySQL.getGameState(getGameNaam()) + ":" + gamestate);
return gamestate;
public void setCurrecntState(GameState state) {
gamestate = state;
private void setAlles() {
bungeenaam = MySQL.getBungeeNaam(this.gamenaam);
poort = MySQL.getPoort(this.gamenaam);
minplayers = MySQL.getMinPlayer(this.gamenaam);
maxplayers = MySQL.getMaxPlayer(this.gamenaam);
//gamestate = MySQL.getGameState(this.gamenaam);
I store everything in an public static HashMap<Location, Game> gameSigns = new HashMap<Location, Game>();
Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("SCGameHost"), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for(Map.Entry<Location, Game> entry: Main.gameSigns.entrySet()){
Game game = entry.getValue();
if(game.getGameNaam().equalsIgnoreCase("Heks")) {
System.out.print(game.getGameNaam()+" is changed to FINISHED");
}else {
}, 10 *20L, 10 *20L);
I have 2 things in the gameSigns HashMap Heks and Snowball.
When I change Heks to GameState.Finished
snowball is also being changed.
It is because the variable gamestate is static, so it is shared between all the instances of the Game class. Remove the word static if you want separate values for different instances.