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Java 1.8 JAAS doesn't recognize the principal in my own generated keytab

Java can't find my principal name in my own keytab file?
I was expecting Java JAAS module to generate a TGT when it finds the principal in my keytab file. I also used kinit on the same keytab file and that does work.

Although JAAS finds the keytab as instructed through the config file, i get the next message:

Native config name: C:\Windows\krb5.ini
getRealmFromDNS: trying YEF.GSC.RD
Acquire TGT from Cache
>>>KinitOptions cache name is C:\Users\tester1\krb5cc_tester1
>> Acquire default native Credentials
Using builtin default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 17 16 23.
LSA: Found KrbCreds constructor
LSA: Got handle to Kerberos package
LSA: Response size is 0
LSA: Error calling function Protocol status: 1312
LSA: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
>>> Found no TGT's in LSA
Principal is john@YEF.GSC.RD
null credentials from Ticket Cache
Looking for keys for: john@YEF.GSC.RD
Key for the principal john@YEF.GSC.RD not available in c:/user/tester1/keytab

(I used the debug flag to get these details, and ran it standalone instead of webstart, just to get stuff started without the webstart startup overhead)
The config file says:


The keytab file which i generated locally on the client machine is:

c:\Users\tester1>klist -k -t -K -e keytab

Key tab: keytab, 6 entries found.

[1] Service principal: tester1@YEF.GSC.RD
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 17
         Key: 0x2dccdcd29d17e2719eb5af9f1b0f7448
         Time stamp: Oct 30, 2015 15:37:02
[2] Service principal: tester1@YEF.GSC.RD
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 16
         Key: 0xcd10890becd5fbcb526e9104765116807a5ecd38da762ab0
         Time stamp: Oct 30, 2015 15:37:02
[3] Service principal: tester1@YEF.GSC.RD
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 23
         Key: 0xb9218bada80f02c685e1958a5042f5fc
         Time stamp: Oct 30, 2015 15:37:02
[4] Service principal: john@YEF.GSC.RD
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 17
         Key: 0x7d4b7a98e179d7284dcd7ff3a69c890e
         Time stamp: Nov 02, 2015 13:24:37
[5] Service principal: john@YEF.GSC.RD
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 16
         Key: 0x4ca17a0b2a58679207162cf13864c143d05e869101b5a2ef
         Time stamp: Nov 02, 2015 13:24:37
[6] Service principal: john@YEF.GSC.RD
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 23
         Key: 0xb9218bada80f02c685e1958a5042f5fc
         Time stamp: Nov 02, 2015 13:24:37

But for some reason JAAS can't find john@YEF.GSC.RD , as it says:

Key for the principal john@YEF.GSC.RD not available in c:/user/tester1/keytab

Someone on internet mentioned KVNO to be 0. So i also tested that using:

ktab -k keytab -a john@YEF.GSC.RD -n 0

But the exact same error happened. Would like to know what java expects to find in the keytab..

Using Java 1.8.0 on Windows 7 machine


  • Your problem is most probably related to a path error. On your configuration you use the path keyTab="c:/user/tester1/keytab" and when you check it with the klist tool you use another path c:\Users\tester1>.

    Your configuration should point to the right path. Giving that this isn't a Typo it should be:
