I have created a simple Javascript module. I'd like this to be available to CommonJS implementations, AMD implementations and global ()
Here is my class:
function Geolocation( callback ){
this._latitude = null;
this._longitude = null;
this._accuracy = null;
Geolocation.prototype = {
//prototype definitions in here
Is what I am trying to achieve possible? An exhaustive google search has not yielded any results
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) define(factory); //AMD
else if (typeof module === "object") module.exports = factory(); //CommonJS
else global.Geolocation = factory(); // for example browser (global will be window object)
}(this, function () {
var Geolocation = function( callback ){
this._latitude = null;
this._longitude = null;
this._accuracy = null;
Geolocation.prototype = {
//prototype definitions in here
return Geolocation;