I am using Kendo UI Upload widget and I rename the uploaded file on the server. I return the new name of the file and I modify the file name in the success event but that doesn't fully update the file name. What I mean is that for example the links to remove the uploaded file that get sent to the server have the correct file name but the template that I use to display the details of the uploaded file have the original file name instead.
Widget configuration:
<input type="file"
data-async="{ saveUrl: 'uploadFile', removeUrl: 'removeFile', autoUpload: true } "
data-bind="events: { success: uploadSuccess } " />
Server response:
{ "fileName": "89sd0adf0das9fdsa9.jpg" }
View model:
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
uploadSuccess: function (e) {
// Not sure this is the correct way to accomplish this
e.files[0].name = e.response.fileName;
<script id="uploadTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<span class='k-progress'></span>
<div class='file-wrapper'>
File name: #= name # <br/>
<button type='button' class='k-upload-action'></button>
The .k-upload-action
button (with link to remove the file) sends the correct file name to the server but the File name: #= name #
block shows the wrong (original) file name.
Not sure if the way I modify the file name is the correct way. Does anyone know how to properly update the file name binding or if I am missing a step (somehow update the template used)?
You have to manually update the file name e.g.
uploadSuccess: function (e) {
Where .filename
is an element from the template:
File name: <span class="filename">#= name #</span> <br/>
Here is a live demo: http://dojo.telerik.com/@korchev/EGuXi