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How do I sync non-player GameObject properties in UNet/Unity5?

I'm working on and learning some basics of Unity 5, UNET, and networking. I made a simple 3D game where you go around and change the colors of objects. But I want to make it multiplayer now, and I am having lots of trouble figuring out how to send the changes over the network so all players can see a single player's color change.

Part of the issue is that it has been difficult to find the answer using the newer UNET networking engine. And sometimes I come across answers that are for the older way.

So the main question is, how do I network non-player GameObject property changes? Color, shape, size, etc..

Here is some code I have now - and I've had many different versions so I'll just post the current one:

 using UnityEngine;
 using System.Collections;
 using UnityEngine.Networking;

 public class Player_Paint : NetworkBehaviour {

     private int range = 200;
     [SerializeField] private Transform camTransform;
     private RaycastHit hit;
     [SyncVar] private Color objectColor;
     [SyncVar] private GameObject objIdentity;

     void Update () {

     void CheckIfPainting(){
         if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
             if (Physics.Raycast (camTransform.TransformPoint (0, 0, 0.5f), camTransform.forward, out hit, range)) {
                 string objName =;

     void RpcPaint(){
         objIdentity.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = objectColor;

     void CmdPaint(string name) {
         objIdentity = GameObject.Find (name);  //tell us what was hit
         objectColor = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, Random.value);
         RpcPaint ();

I've tried a bunch more solutions, including writing a separate script on the objects whose color I want to change and including [SyncVar] and hook functions. I've also tried Debug.Log on each of the functions I'm expecting to update the objects on the clients and they are executing with the expected data.

I really don't know what else to do. I feel like it is a VERY simple thing I want to do, but I haven't come across syncing non-player GameObject's in any questions, tutorials, or other resources. Any ideas at all would be helpful, thank you.


  • I found my answer. And it was very difficult, as almost every single question, post, example, etc... I could find was about player objects, and not non-player objects.

    So, I needed to use the AssignClientAuthority function. Which I had tried a couple of times, but wasn't using it correctly. Here is the functioning C# script to apply to the player:

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using UnityEngine.Networking;
    public class Player_Paint : NetworkBehaviour {
        private int range = 200;
        [SerializeField] private Transform camTransform;
        private RaycastHit hit;
        [SyncVar] private Color objectColor;
        [SyncVar] private GameObject objectID;
        private NetworkIdentity objNetId;
        void Update () {
            // only do something if it is the local player doing it
            // so if player 1 does something, it will only be done on player 1's computer
            // but the networking scripts will make sure everyone else sees it
            if (isLocalPlayer) {
                CheckIfPainting ();
        void CheckIfPainting(){
            // yes, isLocalPlayer is redundant here, because that is already checked before this function is called
            // if it's the local player and their mouse is down, then they are "painting"
            if(isLocalPlayer && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
                // here is the actual "painting" code
                // "paint" if the Raycast hits something in it's range
                if (Physics.Raycast (camTransform.TransformPoint (0, 0, 0.5f), camTransform.forward, out hit, range)) {
                    objectID = GameObject.Find (;                                    // this gets the object that is hit
                    objectColor = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, Random.value);    // I select the color here before doing anything else
                    CmdPaint(objectID, objectColor);    // carry out the "painting" command
        void RpcPaint(GameObject obj, Color col){
            obj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = col;      // this is the line that actually makes the change in color happen
        void CmdPaint(GameObject obj, Color col) {
            objNetId = obj.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity> ();        // get the object's network ID
            objNetId.AssignClientAuthority (connectionToClient);    // assign authority to the player who is changing the color
            RpcPaint (obj, col);                                    // usse a Client RPC function to "paint" the object on all clients
            objNetId.RemoveClientAuthority (connectionToClient);    // remove the authority from the player who changed the color

    !!!Important!!! Each object that you want to affect must have a NetworkIdentity component, and it must be set to LocalPlayerAuthority

    So this script is just to change a random color, but you should be able to change the actual stuff to apply this to any change in the materials or anything else you want to network with a non-player object. "Should" being the optimal word - I haven't tried with any other functionality yet.

    EDIT - added more comments for learning purposes.