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changing the image source using jquery and Kurento

I use Kurento-magic-mirror and everytime i would change image, i am forced to change the name of the picture mario-Wings.png.

Here is the code shown

function getopts(args, opts)
  var result = opts.default || {};
      new RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?", "g"),
      function($0, $1, $2, $3) { result[$1] = decodeURI($3); });
  return result;
var args = getopts(,
    ws_uri: 'ws://' + location.hostname + ':8888/kurento',
    hat_uri: 'http://' + + '/img/mario-wings.png',
    ice_servers: undefined

suppose we have several images at the interface Now, I would like to change the image by making a click.

I started to create a function but this function is not automatic by against this changes the picture at startup

function changeImage(nom){

	console.log(" Avant Changement de l'image ");
	args = getopts(,
		    ws_uri: 'ws://' + location.hostname + ':8888/kurento',
   	            hat_uri: 'http://' + + '/img/test5.jpg',
		    ice_servers: undefined 

	$("#test5").attr('src', 'img/test5.jpg');
	console.log("Après Changement de l'image ");

How to solve this problem ???

Help me please...


  • You are changing the variable, but not doing anything with it. Following the lead of the tutorial, this is what you need to do

    function changeImage(hatUri, offsetXPercent, offsetYPercent, widthPercent, heightPercent) {
       filter.setOverlayedImage(hatUri, offsetXPercent, offsetYPercent, widthPercent, heightPercent,
          function(error) {
             if (error) return onError(error);
             console.log("Set overlay image");

    I strongly recommend that you study the examples, and understand each line of code. If you change a value in the client, but don't instruct the media server to change the value too, it's useless.