First I have this class:
class Recept
int serves;
string* ingredient_name;
int* ingredient_number;
float difficulty;
Recept(int a=0, string* b = NULL, float c = 0.0, int* d = NULL)
serves = a;
ingredient_name = b;
difficulty = c;
ingredient_number = d;
delete ingredient_name;
delete ingredient_number;
An object to store all the available recipes:
Recept* AvailableRecipes;
And this function to initialize this object. The only thing main() does is call this function.
void OpenRecipes()
system("dir /b > a.txt");
ifstream filelist;"a.txt");
stringstream newstrstr;
newstrstr << filelist.rdbuf();
string seged = newstrstr.str();
filelist.seekg(0, ios::beg);
AvailableRecipes = new Recept[count_words(seged)-1];
string filename;
int counter = 0;
cout << "Total number of iterations needed: " << count_words(seged) << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < count_words(seged) ; i++)
cout << "i: " << i << endl;
filelist >> filename;
if(filename != "a.txt")
stringstream newstrstr;
ifstream input;;
newstrstr << input.rdbuf();
string seged2 = newstrstr.str();
int ingredient_num[(count_words(seged2) - 2) / 2];
string ingredient_name[(count_words(seged2) - 2) / 2];
float difficulty;
int serving;
input.seekg(0, ios::beg);
input >> serving >> difficulty;
int IntContain;
string StringContain;
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(ingredient_num)/sizeof(ingredient_num[0]); j++)
input >> IntContain >> StringContain;
ingredient_num[j] = IntContain;
ingredient_name[j] = StringContain;
Recept a = Recept(serving, ingredient_name, difficulty, ingredient_num);
AvailableRecipes[counter] = a;
cout << "No error so far" << endl;
Basically this function is supposed to: -Read filenames from subfolder /Recipes
-Store filenames in "a.txt" in this same folder.
-Open the files 1 by 1, and create a Recipe object based from the text in them.
-Add Recipe object to AvailableRecipes object array.
The problem is, the cycle cuts out seemingly randomly, for some reason. I'd like to know why, and how I could fix it :s
Example output:
Total number of iterations needed: 4
i: 0
No error so far
i: 1
i: 2
Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005) execution time : 1.312 s
Press any key to continue.
//In this example, iteration 0 was working with a valid file ( !="a.txt) ,iteration 1 was dealing with "a.txt, and iteration 2 was another valid file.
I'm a rookie, very much so, so please be nice :/ Using CodeBlocks, with minGW on win64
There are two problems already in these two lines
Recept a = Recept(serving, ingredient_name, difficulty, ingredient_num);
AvailableRecipes[counter] = a;
First you create a
which stores pointers to the local variables ingredient_name
and ingredient_num
. These pointers will be dangling as soon as you leave the if-statement where they are declared.
Then on the next line, you create a copy of a
in the AvailableRecipes
array. Now you have two copies of each pointer.
Eventually, all of this will end up in the destructor of Recept
, trying to delete the pointers. Not only are they dangling, but you also have several copies of each. Double fault!