I have created three selectOneChoice
component in calc.amx
, based on the value changes it will do calculation and result you some output. I need to append it to same amx page as a inputText
(non-editable text). Below are the my try,
All this selectOneChoice
will have valueChangeListener
to set value into bean,
<amx:selectOneChoice value="valueOne" label="Value One" id="soc1" valueChangeListener="#{calcBean.setValueOne}">
<amx:selectItems value="valueOne" id="si1"/>
<amx:selectOneChoice value="valueTwo" label="Value Two" id="soc2" valueChangeListener="#{calcBean.setValueTwo}">
<amx:selectItems value="valueTwo" id="si2"/>
<amx:selectOneChoice value="valueThree" label="Value Three" id="soc3" valueChangeListener="#{calcBean.setValueThree}">
<amx:selectItems value="valueThree" id="si3"/>
<amx:inputText value="#{bindings.grantTotal.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.grantTotal.hints.label}" id="it4"/>
private String firstValue;
private String secondValue;
private String thirdValue;
private String grantTotal;
public void setFirstValue(String firstValue) {
String oldFirstValue = this.firstValue;
this.firstValue = firstValue;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("firstValue", oldFirstValue, firstValue);
public String getFirstValue() {
return firstValue;
public void setSecondValue(String secondValue) {
String oldSecondValue = this.secondValue;
this.secondValue = secondValue;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("secondValue", oldSecondValue, secondValue);
public String getSecondValue() {
return secondValue;
public void setThirdValue(String thirdValue) {
String oldThirdValue = this.thirdValue;
this.thirdValue = thirdValue;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("thirdValue", oldThirdValue, thirdValue);
public String getThirdValue() {
return thirdValue;
public void setGrantTotal(String grantTotal) {
String oldGrantTotal = this.grantTotal;
this.grantTotal = grantTotal;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("grantTotal", oldGrantTotal, grantTotal);
public String getGrantTotal() {
return grantTotal;
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
public void setValueOne(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
firstValue = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();
public void setValueTwo(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
secondValue = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();
public void setValueThree(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
thirdValue = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();
public void doCalc(String firstValue, String secondValue, String thirdValue){
grantTotal = firstValue+secondValue+thirdValue;
System.out.println("grantTotal : "+grantTotal);
} else {
grantTotal = "No Value";
System.out.println("grantTotal : "+grantTotal);
So I'm able to do the calculation based on the selectOneChoice
selection and also able to print the calculated output in sop statement.
Now, how I can reflect the grantTotal
value into same amx page in inputText
based on every selectOneChoice
Is the grandTotal an attributeValue in your bindings? If so, you can easily set the value using EL.
int myValue = 123;
AdfmfJavaUtilities.setELValue("#{bindings.GrandTotal.inputValue}", myValue);
Click Here for Oracle documentation regarding setELValue()