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Oracle MAF : Reflect value into inputText based on multiple selectOneChoice selection

I have created three selectOneChoice component in calc.amx, based on the value changes it will do calculation and result you some output. I need to append it to same amx page as a inputText (non-editable text). Below are the my try,


All this selectOneChoice will have valueChangeListener to set value into bean,

<amx:selectOneChoice value="valueOne" label="Value One" id="soc1" valueChangeListener="#{calcBean.setValueOne}">
    <amx:selectItems value="valueOne" id="si1"/>

<amx:selectOneChoice value="valueTwo" label="Value Two" id="soc2" valueChangeListener="#{calcBean.setValueTwo}">
    <amx:selectItems value="valueTwo" id="si2"/>

<amx:selectOneChoice value="valueThree" label="Value Three" id="soc3" valueChangeListener="#{calcBean.setValueThree}">
    <amx:selectItems value="valueThree" id="si3"/>
<amx:inputText value="#{bindings.grantTotal.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.grantTotal.hints.label}" id="it4"/>

private String firstValue;
private String secondValue;
private String thirdValue;
private String grantTotal;

public void setFirstValue(String firstValue) {
    String oldFirstValue = this.firstValue;
    this.firstValue = firstValue;
    propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("firstValue", oldFirstValue, firstValue);

public String getFirstValue() {
    return firstValue;

public void setSecondValue(String secondValue) {
    String oldSecondValue = this.secondValue;
    this.secondValue = secondValue;
    propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("secondValue", oldSecondValue, secondValue);

public String getSecondValue() {
    return secondValue;

public void setThirdValue(String thirdValue) {
    String oldThirdValue = this.thirdValue;
    this.thirdValue = thirdValue;
    propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("thirdValue", oldThirdValue, thirdValue);

public String getThirdValue() {
    return thirdValue;

public void setGrantTotal(String grantTotal) {
    String oldGrantTotal = this.grantTotal;
    this.grantTotal = grantTotal;
    propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("grantTotal", oldGrantTotal, grantTotal);

public String getGrantTotal() {
    return grantTotal;

public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {

public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {

public void setValueOne(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    firstValue = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();

public void setValueTwo(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    secondValue = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();

public void setValueThree(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    thirdValue = valueChangeEvent.getNewValue().toString();

public void doCalc(String firstValue, String secondValue, String thirdValue){
        grantTotal = firstValue+secondValue+thirdValue;
        System.out.println("grantTotal : "+grantTotal);
    } else {
        grantTotal = "No Value";
        System.out.println("grantTotal : "+grantTotal);


So I'm able to do the calculation based on the selectOneChoice selection and also able to print the calculated output in sop statement.

Now, how I can reflect the grantTotal value into same amx page in inputText based on every selectOneChoice selection?


  • Is the grandTotal an attributeValue in your bindings? If so, you can easily set the value using EL.


     int myValue = 123; 
     AdfmfJavaUtilities.setELValue("#{bindings.GrandTotal.inputValue}", myValue); 

    Click Here for Oracle documentation regarding setELValue().