I am trying to export data to excel in angular js
1) User clicks a button 2) Data in $scope.myArray gets saved to excel file.
I tried
var blob = new Blob($scope.myArray , {
type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;charset=utf-8"
saveAs(blob, "Report.xls");
It prompts to open the excel file. But whenever I try to open it, it says the file format or file extension is not valid.
Any Help!
Try the following code that will help you to create an excel file for you.
var result = ["Item 1", "Item 3"];
const myJsonString = JSON.stringify(result);
const blob = new Blob([myJsonString], {
type: "application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8"
saveAs(blob, "Report.xls");