I don't know if it's now for the sake of it, but i am stuck with a statement in the AngularJS documentation:
"... If the expression evaluates to an array, each element of the array should either be a string as in type 1 or an object as in type 2. This means that you can mix strings and objects together in an array to give you more control over what CSS classes appear..."
"...<p ng-class="[style4, {orange: warning}]">Using Array and Map Syntax</p>..."
If you see my example on http://jsfiddle.net/angelinena/9p4k4wnx/5/ it works in all combinations, but not as an array with object and string in it.
<p><button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="conditionlead=true; classname='text-info'">Both 2</button></p>
<p ng-class="[{ 'lead': conditionlead == true }, classname ]">Classes applied as array with object and string</p>
Could you please tell me what i am doing wrong? Would be very grateful.
With array of object you need to evaluate the expression on your own (If you are not using angular 1.4+), Assuming warning
holds true
value, you could do.
ng-class="[style4, {true: 'orange'}[warning]]"
Or just use a mix of ng-class and class. i.e
<p class="{{style4}}" ng-class="{orange: warning}">
You might be referring to the latest documentation (1.4+) and using an older version of angular. You can either upgrade the version of angular to atleast 1.4 or manually evaluate the expression.
If the expression evaluates to an array, each element of the array should be a string that is one or more space-delimited class names.