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EcmaScript 6 - Tern IDE for Eclipse validation errors

I am using Eclipse Mars with the Tern IDE für ES6 support on version 1.1.0 (the snapshot). I get validation errors on arrow functions and const-exports as can be seen in this screenshot:

enter image description here

I worked through these descriptions but the errors won't vanish:

I don't know however whats really supported by the Tern plugin, but according to the documentation on Tern should support arrow functions since 0.14. The IDE-page on github however only mentions class, import and promise support (which is beyond basic in my eyes for a plugin to support ES6).

Is there anyone who is developing ES6 with Eclipse with (more or less) full feature support? I kinda feel like a unicorn...


  • Your error comes from JSDT Validator which doesn't support ES6 syntax (and not from tern).

    tern 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT provides support for ES6 for completion, hyperlink, validation but not for ES6 validation. The linter is a type checker validator and not a syntax validator.

    To validate ES6 with Eclipse IDE &, you must: