I am creating a service in the following way
io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Service myService = new ServiceBuilder()
.withNewSpec().addToSelector(specSelectorKey, specSelectorValue).withType(svcType)
return myService;
How do I get the nodePort it returns from this json?
"metadata": {
"name": "my-svc",
"namespace": "myns",
"selfLink": "",
"uid": "6cb0f222-7e57-11e5-96f2-005056976c6f",
"resourceVersion": "1016121",
"creationTimestamp": "2015-10-29T16:09:25Z",
"labels": {
"name": ""
"spec": {
"ports": [
"protocol": "TCP",
"port": 80,
"targetPort": 80,
"nodePort": 20430
"selector": {
"name": "p"
"clusterIP": "",
"type": "LoadBalancer",
"sessionAffinity": "None"
"status": {
"loadBalancer": {}
Are there examples to fetch teh nodeport after a service is created? I can get the service port but not the node port that is added later after creation
The nodePort
is a property defined inside io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ServicePort
You can obtain the service instance, like:
Service srv = client.services().inNamespace(namespace).withName("myid").get();
And then you can access the property like:
Integer nodePort = srv.getSpec().getPorts().get(0).getNodePort();
The code above, will get the nodePort
of the first port defined for the service. (see get(0)
). If you have more ports, you'll have to iterate and pick the port you want.
I hope this helps.