Currently I use the "Export a Scout Project" wizard to deploy an application to tomcat8. Is it possible to export an eclipse scout project from the command line?
This depends on your Scout version: 5.1 and newer use a plain maven build which generates a war file. This can be invoked from command line using mvn install
on the parent pom of your project. See for more details. Please note that this version is not released officially yet and will be part of the Eclipse Neon release in 2016-06-22.
Versions before 5.1 are based on the PDE product export mechanism. This exports a *.product file as if you click on the "Eclipse Product export wizard" link in the product editor. This can also be executed from command line using a headless eclipse: However you may need to post process the exported war files manually and add artifacts like the equinox servlet bridge, web.xml and launch.ini files. Alternatively you can also setup a maven+tycho build as already mentioned by Jmini.