I'm getting the following error when calling indexOf on an array of a subclass of PFObject.
Cannot convert value of type 'Match' to expected argument type '@noescape (AnyObject) throws -> Bool'
my class:
class Match: PFObject, PFSubclassing {XXXX}
The method where the error is happening:
func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : AnyObject])
//dismiss the image picker
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true) { () -> Void in
//wait for the dismissal in case there is an error to show
let recordedVideofileURL = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? NSURL
if let recordedVideofileURL = recordedVideofileURL
//upload the file to S3
let uploadRequest = try S3UploadManager.uploadFile(self.match!.localPathToVideo()!)
self.match!.saveEventually({ (success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (success)
// The object has been saved.
//set up progress tracking for the upload
uploadRequest.uploadProgress = {[weak self](bytesSent:Int64, totalBytesSent:Int64, totalBytesExpectedToSend:Int64) -> Void in
if let match = self?.match
>>>>>>error here var index = self?.matchesController.objects?.indexOf(match)
// TODO: handle error
From what i read only, this error happens when the object contained in the array does not conform to the Equatable extension. But PFObject inherits from NSObject which conform to that extension. So I'm at a loss...
Any pointers appreciated
Found the solution. It turns out that the objects method on the PFQueryTableViewController returns [AnyObject], so I need to cast it to [Match]
let objects = self?.matchesController.objects as! [PFObject]
and then it works...
I'm still new at swift and Parse, but this seem wrong for objects method to return [AnyObject]? especially given the comment in the doc
/*! @abstract The array of instances of <PFObject> that is used as a data source. */ public var objects: [AnyObject]? { get }