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How I can get siteAccountId from yodlee fastlink once added account

I am trying to get siteAccountId and siteId from yodlee fastlink. I am following below process and no idea how I can get/read siteAccountId and siteId from yodlee end.

  1. Successfully generated fastlink url for link account as per yodlee documentation in loaded in to a iframe.
  2. The page is successfully loaded and I am able to see the yodlee link page with in iframe.
  3. Linked a Dagbank account by using yodlee dummy accounts and the account is successfully added.
  4. How I can get siteAccountId and siteId from my client or API?



  • You can call getAllSiteAccounts API and from the response of this API you can get the siteAccountID based on the "DisplayName" and the value from "created" which will tell you when it was created incase you have same site added twice.

    So for the DAGBank which you linked , after calling the above API search for DAGBank and get the SiteAccountID and incase you have two DAGBanks added check the "created" field as well.