I'm new to assembly language and based on my understanding to perform a task there is a specific combination of interupt and mov (ex. int21h/ah=39h is for making directory). What I wan't to know is how do you output '#' with a specific color and how many of them is to be printed out instead of doing it 1 by 1, also what is next line in assembly language? we need to make an image using '#' symbol. thanks
To output a number of identical characters having a certain color use video BIOS function 09h.
mov cx, ... ;count 6 = '######'
mov bh, 0
mov bl, ... ;color 1Eh = Yellow on Blue
mov ah, 09h
mov al, ... ;character '#'
int 10h
next line means that you output a carriage return and a linefeed. For this you use another video BIOS function 0Eh.
mov bx,0007h
mov ax,0E0Dh ;0Dh = carriage return
int 10h
mov ax,0E0Ah ;0Ah = linefeed
int 10h