Oracle 11 XE / Netbeans 8.0.2 / Toad
Be forewarned: Noob on this stuff...
So I logged into Oracle via Toad as SYS and created a new user (Jason). Ended the connection, and connected under the new user. No sweat. Created a simple 2-column table and inserted 6 or 7 rows. Disconnected, reconnected (as Jason) and ensured my little table and data were still there. Great.
So I start a new project in Netbeans and try to connect to the db as Jason. JDBC won't connect, I get
"Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:oracle:thin@localhost:1521:XE using OracleDriver (OR-28009: c
And that's all I have to go on. The error message is truncated (as above) by the New Connection Wizard's window.
Wierd -- It won't let my connect as SYS, either.
Wierder -- I CAN connect as SYSTEM. That account succeeds.
So I'm obviously missing something, but what?
it looks that your project still using SYS connection...
when you connect as SYS user you need add as SYSDBA or SYSOPER option the ORA-28009 error originally says
ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER
Cause: connect SYS/<password> is no longer a valid syntax
Action: Try connect SYS/<password> as SYSDBA or connect SYS/<password> as SYSOPER
rather than use SYS user and the options I'd recommend you create new user and grant him DBA role and then connect as this user:
connect sys/<password>@myserver as sysdba
create user mydba identified by mydbapassword;
grant dba to mydba;
connect mydba/mydbapasswor@myserver what you need