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Apache Spark create vertices from String

Given a string

val s = "My-Spark-App"

How can vertices be created in the following way with Spark?

"My-", "y-S", "-Sp", "Spa", "par", "ark", "rk-", "k-A", "-Ap", "App"

Can that problem be parallelized?


  • It is just a matter of a simple sliding over a string:

    val n: Int = 3
    val vertices: Seq[(VertexId, String)] =  s.sliding(n)
      .map{case (s, i) => (i.toLong, s)}

    Can that problem be parallelized?

    Yes it can, but if it is a single string it most likely doesn't make sense. Still, if you want:

    import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
    val vertices: RDD[(VertexId, String)] = sc.parallelize(s)
      .map{case (cs, i) => (i, cs.mkString)}