I'm using the configjar tool (shell script with a settings xml) to package an OSB 12 application into one config jar. This is done with Jenkins, so the build step is to execute a Linux shell script (which uses the configjar tool). Ultimately the resulting config jar file should be in a Nexus repository. Can I do this with Jenkins, or is there a way to write the URL of the Nexus repository into the setting file for the configjar tool? I was told I couldn't or shouldn't use the physical location (e.g. path/to/a/directory) of the Nexus repository but use the URL instead. I couldn't get the mvn package command to work with the pom file although that would be a solution because I could write into the pom file to use the Nexus repository, I'm trying to solve that problem in a different thread.
You could e.g. use the Maven deploy plugin with the deploy-file goal to upload the artifact. That would probably the easiest.
You can also use a REST API based upload with a shell script or Eclipse Aether Ant tasks in a Ant script.