I have a project with multiple subdirectories which I all want to check in turn. Actually, these directories are a bit outdated version of branches which I have to keep for various reasons.
In my main folder I have the subdirectories patch
and pkg
and want to check both. I tried to use the following script to achieve this.
- TEST_DIR: patch/
- TEST_DIR: pkg/
- ps: echo %TEST_DIR%
- ps: cd %TEST_DIR%
- travis-tool.sh install_deps
I also used $TEST_DIR
and also had the lines
- ps: echo %TEST_DIR%
- ps: cd %TEST_DIR%
in build_script
just before - travis-tool.sh install_deps
. None of this was working.
When I use echo %TEST_DIR%
it echos %TEST_DIR%
and with echo $TEST_DIR
nothing is echoed, i.e., the string seems to be empty. Any clues?
In Travis-CI I can use
## test multiple directories
## (see https://lord.io/blog/2014/travis-multiple-subdirs/)
- TEST_DIR=patch/
- TEST_DIR=pkg/
language: r
sudo: required
## change directory before installation
## as R packages are not available elsewise
- cd $TEST_DIR
which works like a charm.
After discussions with the AppVeyor support I found a valid solution for the problem:
- TEST_DIR: patch
- TEST_DIR: pkg
- cd %TEST_DIR%
So, I simply needed to drop the console type (ps
or cmd
) to make it possible to change directories.
In my case, building and checking an R project, I additionally needed to add some lines to copy scripts etc. to my before_build
. All together, before_build
should thus look like:
- cp ..\travis-tool.sh .\travis-tool.sh
- cp travis-tool.sh.cmd %TEST_DIR%\travis-tool.sh.cmd
- cd %TEST_DIR%
- bash -c "echo '^travis-tool\.sh\.cmd$' >> .Rbuildignore"
Now, AppVeyor can be used as usually with the scripts supplied by the github project R+AppVeyor.