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What are the good things about slime?

As I asked here, I couldn't make it run Aquamacs/slime/clojure, but I could use Auqamacs/clojure with 'M-x conjure-mode', then C-c C-z (run clojure) and C-c C-e (run expression).

I don't have an experience with SLIME, but I feel that C-c C-z and C-c C-e is just enough for lisp/conjure REPL or debugging.

What features SLIME has more than these features? What people use SLIME for?


  • So, so, so much more.

    M-. to go to a definition.

    C-c C-k to compile the current buffer.

    M-p & M-n to go forwards and backward in REPL history.

    M-<tab> for completion.

    A debugger. A wonderful REPL.

    And so much more.

    Slime gives so much: look at its manual.

    It shouldn't be too hard to set up: this post is a great starting point.