I am trying to integrate paytm's payment gateway to my Android App. I can't seem to find any proper documentations or procedures on their website. I've checked every lead on this through google but no help. Tried contacting the Paytm team through mail and phone .. no response. now I am stuck here.
here's what I am passing :
paramMap.put("REQUEST_TYPE", "DEFAULT");
paramMap.put("ORDER_ID", String.valueOf(randomInt));
paramMap.put("MID", "************2343");
paramMap.put("CUST_ID", "CUST123");
paramMap.put("CHANNEL_ID", "WAP");
paramMap.put("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", "Retail");
paramMap.put("WEBSITE", "frshlrfowap");
paramMap.put("TXN_AMOUNT", "1");
paramMap.put("EMAIL", "testing@gmail.com");
paramMap.put("MOBILE_NO", "9876543210");
paramMap.put("THEME", "merchant");
So, Finally I was able to get through. Most Importantly you need to get in touch with Paytm's Ops team. Contact the person who provided the Key & ID's and he will lead to the Tech/ops team. Share Logs with them.
mail them on: cmt.ops@paytm.com & tech.ops@paytm.com
For Paytm, setup Merchant Key on server side files (verifyChecksum.php & generateChecksum.php). My Issue was, My client provided different Merchant Key (may be Sandbox one) which lead me to "Client Authentication failed". After Sharing Logs with their team they provided the Correct Key and I started getting correct response from the server. Also, check for INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID" with the support guys. Wrong INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID" will lead you to the different error.
Good Luck!!