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Solr and java project version control

I have maven project and i have recently introduced Solr to act as a search indexer for my data. Solr contains configuration files such as schema.xml or solr.xml etc, but these files sit within solr package. I would like to add these files to version control (SVN) of my project. but i dont want the entire solr in my SVN just the configuration files.

What would be the correct way of managing this? I don't want to just simply add these files, and each time when i check out the code paste those files in solr, too many release steps...

Ideally i would want solr configuration to link to my files automatically so i can change them at any time, and each time i update the changes to SVN, solr would pull the new configs without me having to interfere.

Any suggestions appreciated.


  • The best way I've found is to create a solr-conf directory at the top-level of your project structure, containing all of your Solr config:

    - project - solr-conf solr.xml - collection1 - conf

    You then run Solr using your solr-conf directory as SOLR_HOME. You will need to either set your Solr dataDir property to something outside your directory tree, or add collection1/data to the svn:ignore list.

    To change the data directory, you should be able to add to your Solr command line (the actual property used is specified in the dataDir element in solrconfig.xml). Alternatively, svn:ignore specifies a set of paths that should not be added to version control.