I have a look up table in another sheet, for a room booking system. The "ROOMS" table is simple an X-Y row with a header:
In the main data sheet, I want to look up the rooms, but highlight RED/YELLOW rooms that have already been "booked" on the same row, as another room reference.
Here we have a normal booking where both rooms are different. That's acceptable:
But here we have the same room booking on both and they are highlighted RED:
This works because I have a Conditional Format on every Room Allocation cell like this:
What I want to know, is there a way to do this using HLOOKUP on ONE row?
The reason I ask about the "one row" situation is that according to this, the table array has to be a genuine table with a header and at least one row of data.
But as you can see above, I only have ONE row to work with, which is data only.
It looks like you could use a COUNTIF on that:
Note the absolute references. That should work across all of row 2, but you can tweak it a bit if you want it to only apply to certain columns.