I have a hazelcast instance and I am getting a map from it.
IMap<Object,Object> cache= hazelCastInstance.getMap(collectionName);
I want to store a nested collection (e.g. List < List< Definition > >) into it.
Definition => Class (This implements serializable)
cache.set(cacheKey, object, ttl,TimeUnit.SECONDS);
cacheKey => unique key
object => nested collection
ttl => time to live
I am getting an exception: java.io.NotSerializableException: java.util.ArrayList$SubList
I am using hazelcast for the first time. Does anyone have any idea why is that?
Please advice.
The error is caused by the ArrayList$Sublist not being serializable. It can be resolved by replacing your code by something like this:
cache.set(cacheKey, new ArrayList(objects), ttl, SECONDS)
Now you got rid of the inner class that is causing problems. The content of the sublist will be copied into a normal ArrayList and there are no problems serializing that.