In my input file, columns are tab-separated, and the values inside each column are comma-separated.
I want to print the first column with each comma separated value from the second.
Mary,Tom,David cat,dog
Kevin bird,rabbit
John cat,bird
For each record in the second column ( eg cat,dog
) i want to split
record into array of [ cat, dog ] and cross print this against the
first column. giving output ( just for this line )
Mary,Tom,David cat
Mary,Tom,David dog
output for whole file should be be:
Mary,Tom,David cat
Mary,Tom,David dog
Kevin bird
Kevin rabbit
John cat
John bird
any suggestions if i want to use awk or sed?
With awk
awk '{split($2,a,",");for(i in a)print $1"\t"a[i]}' file
Splits the second column on commas and then for each split value, print the first column and that value
Also in sed
sed ':1;s/\(\([^\n]*\t\)[^\n]*\),\{1,\}/\1\n\2/;t1' file