Search code examples

Want to get data out of Parse getCallback in Android

I'm using, and to get my wanted information, I use it's Queries.

So I use that one:

ParseUser PhotoeUser;

ParseQuery<Photo> UserQuery = ParseQuery.getQuery(Photo.class);
        UserQuery.whereEqualTo("objectId", PhotoID);
        UserQuery.getFirstInBackground(new GetCallback<Photo>() {
            public void done(Photo pPhoto, ParseException error) {
                PhotoUser = pPhoto.getUser();

So what I want is simply use the PhotoUser outside of that query. But When I write:

Log.i("Profile", "PhotoUser = " + PhotoUser.get("objectId"));

PhotoUser.get("objectId") is null.

Another example is this one:

public ParseUser getUser(){
ParseQuery<Photo> UserQuery = ParseQuery.getQuery(Photo.class);
        UserQuery.whereEqualTo("objectId", PhotoID);
        UserQuery.getFirstInBackground(new GetCallback<Photo>() {
            public void done(Photo pPhoto, ParseException error) {
                PhotoUser = pPhoto.getUser();

return PhotoUser;

Here, when I want to return the PhotoUser, it is null.

Please help me. If you need more information, just ask for it.


  • Just take ParseUser outside the block:

    PhotoUser pUser;
    ParseQuery<Photo> UserQuery = ParseQuery.getQuery(Photo.class);
        UserQuery.whereEqualTo("objectId", PhotoID);
        UserQuery.getFirstInBackground(new GetCallback<Photo>() {
            public void done(Photo pPhoto, ParseException error) {
                pUser = pPhoto.getUser();

    Don't forget to give variables names. I don't know how do You want to get PhotoUser when You query for Photo.