The code below looked ok to me when I wrote it, but when I came back to it again, it was pretty hard to grasp what is going on. There used to be parenthesis around value == ...
, but I had to remove them after StyleCop became mandatory (I cannot really control this). So, how can I improve this section of code? I was thinking: x = value == y ? true : false;
, but that probably is even more confusing, plus silly, although compiler will optimize that.
Debug.Assert(value == ConfigType.DATABASE || value == ConfigType.FILE,
"Configuration type must be either 'File-based' or 'Database-based'; it was: "
+ value.ToString());
// HG TODO: The following is concise but confusing.
this.fileBasedRadioButton.Checked = value == ConfigType.FILE;
this.databaseBasedRadioButton.Checked = value == ConfigType.DATABASE;
bool isFile = value == ConfigType.FILE;
bool isDatabase = value == ConfigType.DATABASE; // or isDatabase = !isFile
Debug.Assert(isFile || isDatabase,
"Configuration type must be either 'File-based' or 'Database-based'; it was: "
+ value.ToString());
this.fileBasedRadioButton.Checked = isFile;
this.databaseBasedRadioButton.Checked = isDatabase;
This makes it a little more readable (explicitly declaring the bool), you know it has to be true or false.
And this way, if you need to (maybe in the future) change settings based on file/database in the same method, you already have the bool handy, instead of checking each time