Using Apache Felix, I have an OSGi component I've authored that wraps some middleware my company uses. Currently it depends on a good number of external libraries, and I appear to have run into a limit on the Bundle-classpath: parameter length. I've had to rename libraries such as commons-collections.jar to ccoll.jar.
I'm curious if anyone has any advice on working around this limitation?
Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/log4j.jar,lib/cvfs.jar,lib/backport.jar,lib/cbeanutils.jar,lib/ccodec.jar,lib/ccoll.jar,lib/chttp.jar,lib/cjxpath.jar,lib/clang.jar,[libs redacted],lib/saaj-api.jar,lib/saaj-impl.jar,lib/Schemas.jar,lib/xbean.jar,lib/clog.jar,lib/dom4j.jar,lib/xml-apis.jar,lib/xerces.jar,lib/xalan.jar,lib/jaxp-ri.jar,lib/japi.jar,lib/mail.jar
I suppose I could get more characters by leaving off the lib/ bits, but I'm curious if this is a bug, a defined limitation, or just simply idiocy on my part.
Manifest line lengths are limited to 72 bytes as stated in After that you will have to split the line and start a new one beginning with a space character. In this case:
Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/log4j.jar,lib/cvfs.jar,lib/backport.jar,lib/cbea
ib/clang.jar,[libs redacted],lib/saaj-api.jar,lib/saaj-impl.jar,lib/Sch
Alternatively you could use a tool like BND that does things like this (and more) for you automatically.