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Is there a richer BREPL for ClojureScript?

E.g., the equivalent of pry over IRB in Ruby.

The BREPL provided when you run lein figwheel doesn't even support command history (^P, ^[[A) or minimal emacs-type bindings such as ^A or ^E for beginning-/end-of-line.

These are pretty minor at first blush but but it would be nice to be able to iteratively develop functions in the running namespace without having to maintain a separate buffer of command history and other bits that you would expect to have available to you in any modern CLI prompt.

Is there anything like this for the CLJS/Reagent ecosystem?


  • The nREPL that is provided by boot repl and used as default in tenzing turns out to support these things in the usual expected way.

    I moved to tenzing from the default lein new reagent environment (bringing needed deps with me), and expect to use it in the future.