I have an HTML like this:
<h3>How are you? Fine?</h3>
I would like to turn that in something different, using two numbers n and m, something like: if n=5 and m=12
<span class="yellow">are you?</span>
In other words I would like to "highlight" only a part of a string using two numbers that specifies the start and the end of the "highlight" (in characters).
I tried this but it didn't work:
//in the previous example it will be a xpath selector for div/h3
var selection=$(document.body).xpath(selector).text();
//it will be "are you?"
var substring=selection.substring(n,m);
//it would make that i want, but it doesn't
$(document.body).xpath(selector).contents().filter(function() {
return substring;
}).wrap("<span class=\"yellow\"></span>");
One way to do it would be - instead of wrap, replace the content of the h3 with the slice up manipulated version.
See this JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/9LeL3f3n/21/
<h3>How are you? Fine?</h3>
$(document).ready(function() {
var highlight = function(str, start, end) {
return str.slice(0,start-1) +
'<span style="color:#ffff00">' +
str.substring(start-1, end) +
'</span>' +
str.slice(-1 * (str.length - end));
var n = 5;
var m = 12;