I have simple rake file.
It imports data from the .xls
file to the database.
But some of the data is invalid. Then data is invalid rake stop excecuting script.
But I wan to just skip this row and try with the next.
Part of my code:
data.each do |row|
username = row[0].slice!(0..2) + row[1].slice!(0..2) + rand(100).to_s
password = "pass1234"
email: row[2].downcase,
username: username,
first_name: row[0],
last_name: row[1],
expiration_date: row[3],
password: password,
password_confirmation: password)
p 'done'
The error is about the validation, eg.:
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Expiration date must be after 2015-10-27
Script is stopped and valid records are not added.
Wrap it in a begin/rescue block.
data.each do |row|
username = row[0].slice!(0..2) + row[1].slice!(0..2) + rand(100).to_s
password = "pass1234"
email: row[2].downcase,
username: username,
first_name: row[0],
last_name: row[1],
expiration_date: row[3],
password: password,
password_confirmation: password)
p 'done'
rescue => e
# log exception or ignore it.
Note that this works because the default rescue is for StandardError. Since ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid < StandardError. It will be 'catched'.
You could rescue the specific error first if you only want to do something with those specific errors.
(For reference also see the API: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Exception.html)