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Stage will not render in libgdx, get null pointer error

I am just trying to get Actor and Stage to work properly to set up a basic flow and then move on from there. I get a null pointer to stage every time, help please. The Paddle and Ball class are identical right now, Assets is a static class for loading textures.

public class MyGame implements ApplicationListener {
public final static int WIDTH = 480;
public final static int HEIGHT = 800;
private Stage stage;
private Paddle paddle;
private Ball ball;

public void create () {
    Stage stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport());
    paddle = new Paddle();
    ball = new Ball();


public void render() {;



public void pause() {


public void resume() {


public void resize(int width, int height){


public void dispose(){


public int getWidth(){return WIDTH;}
public int getHeight(){return HEIGHT;}


public class Paddle extends Actor {

Rectangle bounds;

public Paddle(){



public void act(float delta){


public void draw(Batch batch , float parentAlpha){

    batch.draw(Assets.paddle,150,10 );

private void updateBounds() {bounds.set(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
public Rectangle getBounds() {
    return bounds;



  • The problem is, that you create a Stage in the create method, but you never asign it to your private member stage.
    So instead of writing Stage stage = new Stage() in the create just write stage = new Stage().
    Also remember to add the Exception and it's Stack Trace to your SO-Question and mark the line in which the Exception seems to occure. It will make it much easier for everybody who wants to help.