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TortoiseSVN: Show status of multiple working folders in parent folder

I have repository configured like this:


Now, on my local disk i have:


In Util_xx folders are only trunks. If I enter the Utils folder, TortoiseSvn shows status icons for each Util. Unfortunately, Utils folder that contain them doesn't have any status icon. It's not really a checkout folder so i can't see that there is something changed in it unless I enter it. Looking at it from Dev folder shows nothing about it. So it happened that I didn't checkin immediately and since I'm not regular developer for this repo, I forgot a file there for month.

Is there any way to make TortoiseSVN show cumulative status of child folders in parent folder?


  • You could install an svn server locally, set up a 'Utils' repo that you keep up to date with 'externals' links to each of the Util_1, Util_2, etc., ... and even then I don't know for sure if it would work because I don't know if TortoiseSVN shows the status of external children in the icon of the parent.

    You should just change your folder hierarchy to align with your actual repository hierarchy. Like this:


    You should also change your process. If there is a project that you don't work on for a month at a time or longer, why are you keeping a working copy of it anyway?