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I'm having problem with SUM() in MySQL

I want to fetch the BalanceAmt of a particular Customer attended by a particular attender. The criteria is that a customer may buy more than one items. Each bought items has been recorded individually. At some cases 'attender' value would be NULL.

Here's my query:

SELECT Customer, AttendedBy, SUM(BalanceAmt) FROM billing GROUP BY Customer 
     HAVING AttendedBy='attender' AND Customer='CustomerName'

My problem is I'm getting the value summed up not attended by the 'attender' (i.e., including NULL value). Help me to do it..

Thanx in advance..


  • I have the feeling haven't gotten the question right, but I would write the SELECT Statement like this

    SELECT Customer, SUM(BalanceAmt) 
    FROM billing 
    WHERE AttendedBy='attender' AND Customer='CustomerName' 
    GROUP BY Customer  

    I am not sure what the AssignedTo is. If you want the sum on Customer, AssignedTo then it would be:

    SELECT Customer, AssignedTo, SUM(BalanceAmt) 
    FROM billing 
    WHERE AttendedBy='attender' AND Customer='CustomerName' 
    GROUP BY Customer, AssignedTo