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Generic tree, self bounded-generics

I am to adding genericity to one of my projects. I love generics as this makes my code more robust, self-documented and erases all those ugly casts.

However, I came across a tough case and have some issues trying to express a "recursive" constraint for one of my structures.

This is basically some kind of "generic" tree, with double links (to children and parent). I have simplified the class at maximum to show the issue :

public class GenericTree<
    ParentClass extends GenericTree<?, ?>, 
    ChildClass extends GenericTree<?, ?>> 
    // Attributes
    private ArrayList<ChildClass> children = new ArrayList<ChildClass>();
    private ParentClass parent = null;

    // Methods 
    public void setParent(ParentClass parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    public void addChild(ChildClass child) {

The problem is for the instruction : child.setParent(this).

Java gives the following error :

Bound mismatch: The method setParent(?) of type ChildClass is not applicable for the
arguments (GenericTree). The wildcard parameter ? has no lower bound, and may actually be more restrictive than argument GenericTree

What I would like is to be able to express something like :

public class GenericTree<
    ParentClass extends GenericTree<?, ?>, 
    ChildClass extends GenericTree<[THIS_VERY_CLASS], ?>> 

To say that the parent class of the child class should be itself ...

I have looked at some articles about the self bounding generics, but I don't know how to apply it in this case.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • The closest I could get is to follow Enum's pattern of self reference. It still requires an unchecked cast, but assuming your subclasses define T correctly, it should be safe.

    public class GenericTree<T extends GenericTree<T, P, C>, P extends GenericTree<P, ?, T>, C extends GenericTree<C, T, ?>> {
        // Attributes
        private ArrayList<C> children = new ArrayList<C>();
        private P parent = null;
        // Methods
        public void setParent(P parent) {
            this.parent = parent;
        public void addChild(C child) {
            final T thisAsType = (T) this;

    Edit: Implementation example

    public static class SingleTypeTree<T> extends
        GenericTree<SingleTypeTree<T>, SingleTypeTree<T>, SingleTypeTree<T>> {