I'm trying to compare two equal strings: a textarea
value (or textContent
, or innerHTML
) and a string stored as an attribute in Backbone model, e.g. "A string↵with line break"
And this comparing always returns false
Comparing length of these strings reveals the difference (the stored one is one symbol longer).
The question is how to prepare the first string (extracted from textarea
) to make it completely equal to the second one (stored in model).
P.S. They are both typeof === 'string'
P.P.S. The main problem is how to make Backbone see the equality while setting an attribute:
this.model.set({ attr: textareaValue })
Backbone uses Underscore's method which simply compares two strings in this case:
return '' + a === '' + b;
I've applied encodeURIComponent
on both strings: the result is Some%0Atext
vs Some%0D%0Atext
. So the second one has \r
character (it's rendered by Handlebars). Should I insert this character before each \n
P.P.P.S. Yes, this did the trick: textarea.value.replace(/\n/gm, '\r\n');
The problem was in \r
character: textarea value rendered by Handlebars was Some\ntext
while string stored in model was Some\r\ntext
And this did the trick: textarea.value.replace(/\n/gm, '\r\n');