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Same TCP/IP Port Number listed more than once in CurrPorts tool

I'm using C# programming in Visual Studio 2010 for creating TCP/IP ports and I'm using CurrPort tool to monitor the Port Status. After I run my program, I noticed there are two entries (listed below) for the same port# 6201 in the port monitor tool. First one with status as Listening and second with status as Established.

TSOVista.vshost.exe 5568 TCP 6201 Listening
TSOVista.vshost.exe 5568 TCP 6201 50431 ST0181.stecint.local Established

My question is, why I'm seeing the fist one with status as Listening? As per the second one, connection is established with the host and communication is happening normally.

Could any one please help on that? Please let me know if more information is required to answer my question.

Thanks, Anand


  • You're still listening for incoming connections on that port. If you don't want to listen for new connections, close the listening socket.