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How to use IN operator with JDBI?

I'm trying to do a IN query using MYSQL JDBI on Dropwizard (not relevant, I assume).

@SqlQuery("SELECT id FROM table where field in (<list>)")
List<Integer> findSomething(@BindIn("list") List<String> someList);

As suggested here, I've also annotated the class with


But when I'm starting the application, I get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.annotation.AnnotationFormatError: Invalid default: public abstract java.lang.Class org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.stringtemplate.UseStringTemplate3StatementLocator.errorListener()

Does anyone have a good idea on how to solve this issue?


  • There are two ways to achieve it.

    1. Using UseStringTemplate3StatementLocator

    This annotation expects Group Files with SQL statement in StringTemplate

    Say I have this file PersonExternalizedSqlDAO

    package com.daoexp.dao;
    public interface PersonExternalizedSqlDAO {
        List<Person> getPersonByNames(@BindIn("names") List<String> names);

    Since we are using UseStringTemplate3StatementLocator we have to create *.sql.stg file in same class path. For ex: in resources/com/daoexp/dao/PersonExternalizedSqlDAO.sql.stg

    group PersonExternalizedSqlDAO;
    getPersonByNames(names) ::= <<
      select * from person where name in (<names>)

    Now you should be able to query without any issues.

    2. Another approach is to use ArgumentFactory that handles your custom data type(in this case List) for JDBI with @Bind. This is most preferable approach.

    So create this list argument factory

    public class ListArgumentFactory implements ArgumentFactory<List> {
        public boolean accepts(Class<?> expectedType, Object value, StatementContext ctx) {
            return value instanceof List;
        public Argument build(Class<?> expectedType, final List value, StatementContext ctx) {
            return new Argument() {
                public void apply(int position, PreparedStatement statement, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
                    String type = null;
                    if(value.get(0).getClass() == String.class){
                        type = "varchar";
                    } else if(value.get(0).getClass() == Integer.class){
                        // For integer and so on...
                    } else {
                        // throw error.. type not handled
                    Array array = ctx.getConnection().createArrayOf(type, value.toArray());
                    statement.setArray(position, array);

    What this class does ?

    • accepts instance of List
    • convert the integer/string list to array and binds with prepared statement

    Make sure you register this argument factory with your DBI instance.

    final DBIFactory factory = new DBIFactory();
    final DBI jdbi =, configuration.getDataSourceFactory(), "h2");
    jdbi.registerArgumentFactory(new ListArgumentFactory());

    Now you should be able to query using List in more simpler way(i.e) you have to use @Bind. Thats it.

    public interface PersonDAO {
        @SqlQuery("select * from person where name = any(:names)")
        List<Person> getPersonByNames(@Bind("names") List<String> names);


    Additional Info:

    public class PersonMapper implements ResultSetMapper<Person> {
        public Person map(int index, ResultSet r, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
            Person person = new Person();
            return person;