hi I wonder if there is a more elegant way of inserting blob instead of converting the byte array into string like:
string strblob = "0x00" + BitConverter.ToString(stream2.GetBuffer()).Replace("-", "");
ISession session = cluster.Connect("abc");
session.Execute(string.Format("insert into events(blob) values ({0})", blobStr));
There is a more elegant and more effective solution which is to use bound statement.
byte[] blob = stream2.GetBuffer();
ISession session = cluster.Connect("abc");
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.Prepare("INSERT INTO events(blob) VALUES (?)");
BoundStatement boundStatement = preparedStatement.Bind(blob);
The idea behind PreparedStatement is to parsed the string query once and reuse it as much as you need with different values. So keep track of your prepared statements.