I have Emacs+SLIME+SBCL installed, and i'm new in this stuff. So, my question is how to evaluate the whole file or just a selected region of file and print the result of EACH expression to the console. For example, for code
(+ 3 5)
(defun my-first (a) (car a))
(my-first (list 5 7 3))
i want to see in console this:
Thank you for your help.
So, the best and simpliest solution for me is to wrap the code next way:
(format t "~{~a~%~}" (list
<code in file>
And than I do C-x C-e in the end of the file, and get in REPL the results of all of my expressions one by one. Thanks to everyone.
UPD I used the internet and this answer: How to run Common Lisp code with Slime in Emacs Lisp to write these two functions. This code is situated in my .emacs file. Now I just should press 'C-c e' or 'C-c r' to evaluate all the file or only selected region. Problem is absolutely solved.
(require 'slime)
(defun lispy--eval-lisp (str)
"Eval STR as Common Lisp code."
(unless (slime-current-connection)
(let ((wnd (current-window-configuration)))
(while (not (and (slime-current-connection)
(get-buffer-window (slime-output-buffer))))
(sit-for 0.2))
(set-window-configuration wnd)))
(let (deactivate-mark)
(slime-eval `(swank:eval-and-grab-output ,str))))
(defun feval ()
"Evaluates the whole file"
(message (car (lispy--eval-lisp
(concat "(format t \"~{~a~%~}\" (list " (string-make-unibyte (buffer-string)) "))")))))
(defun reval (from to)
(interactive "r")
(message (car (lispy--eval-lisp
(concat "(format t \"~{~a~%~}\" (list " (string-make-unibyte (buffer-substring from to)) "))")))))
(global-set-key "\C-ce" 'feval)
(global-set-key "\C-cr" 'reval)