I am using Cordova's inappbrowser plugin to display web parts in my app. On the website, there are sharing links, e.g. for WhatsApp:
<a href="whatsapp://send?text=Check this out">Share on WhatsApp</a>
Now when clicking these links in inappbrowser, it simply tries to load whatsapp://send?...
as a URL and displays an error page.
What I want to do instead is open links that start with whatsapp://
using the given system's browser/URI handler so it resembles the behavior when clicking such link in the system's browser. To do that, I did the following:
urlChanged = function(event) {
// when a "whatsapp://" link is clicked, open it in the system browser
if(event.url.startsWith("whatsapp://")) {
window.open(event.url, "_system");
// Add an "loadstart" event listener to the inappbrowser:
browser.addEventListener("loadstart", urlChanged);
So far, this somewhat works, but with quirks:
link could not be opened ("unknown url scheme").To mitigate point 2, I also tried the following in the event listener, without success (the behavior is exactly the same):
urlChanged = function(event) {
if(event.url.startsWith("whatsapp://")) {
// stop loading the whatsapp:// link in inappbrowser
// go back in history to display page where whatsapp:// link was on
window.open(event.url, "_system");
browser.addEventListener("loadstart", urlChanged);
Can you guide me how to solve points 1 and 2?
So I ended up with the following code:
openWithSystemBrowser = function(url) {
window.open(url, "_system");
location.href = "index.html";
shareOnWhatsapp = function(url) {
* Handles URL changes in in-app browser, e.g. to handle logouts or
* unsuccessful logins
urlChanged = function(event) {
if(event.url.startsWith("http://whatsapp://")) {
if(event.url.startsWith("whatsapp://")) {
This is of course slightly lame as you're always brought back to index.html, but for my purposes it was enough. Interested to see if anyone's found a more elegant solution.
It also solved the 2-3 second delay before opening the system browser, but I don't have any clue why, frankly.