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Take screenshot on test failure + exceptions

Does any of you know possible solution for taking screenshots on test failures and exceptions?

I've added following code in TearDown() but as a result it also makes screenshots on passed tests, so it is not the best solution:

DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
string dateToday = "_date_" + time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "_time_" + time.ToString("HH-mm-ss");
Screenshot screenshot = ((ITakesScreenshot)driver).GetScreenshot();
screenshot.SaveAsFile((settings.filePathForScreenShots + "Exception" + dateToday + ".png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

I've already found that idea:, to use WebDriverExceptionEventArgs, but for some reasons it makes also some random screenshots without any reasonable explanation.

Other ideas I found are for Java and not for NUnit which I use with Selenium, so they are pretty useless.


  • If you put the screenshot logic in your TearDown method it will be called after each test finishes, no matter if it succeeded or failed.

    I use a base class that has a function which wraps the tests and catches all exceptions. When a test fails the exception is caught and a screenshot is taken.

    I use this base class for all my Selenium tests and it looks something like this:

    public class PageTestBase
        protected IWebDriver Driver;
        protected void UITest(Action action)
            catch (Exception ex)
                var screenshot = Driver.TakeScreenshot();
                var filePath = "<some appropriate file path goes here>";
                screenshot.SaveAsFile(filePath, ImageFormat.Png);
                // This would be a good place to log the exception message and
                // save together with the screenshot

    The test classes then look like this:

    public class FooBarTests : PageTestBase
        // Make sure to initialize the driver in the constructor or SetUp method,
        // depending on your preferences
        public void Some_test_name_goes_here()
            UITest(() =>
                // Do your test steps here, including asserts etc.
                // Any exceptions will be caught by the base class
                // and screenshots will be taken
        public void TearDown()
            // Close and dispose the driver